If I were you!

“If I were you”

Has anyone said these words to you? I’m sure they have. They mean well. But the only problem with those words are that they are not true. I am Ralph and you are ____(fill in the blank) so to incorporate your life into mine will not always match. We may have the same interest or the same destination but the path taken will only be mine. Alone?…..no, we have people who will be there for us but GOD will take this path with you because he designed it. Trust, faith and will. Let’s talk about it.

Principles of the will of GOD

Timing- GOD designed our steps, we cannot out run him or out perform him. We won’t get there any faster if we rush it.

Trust – Leave all the consequences to him he never promised it to be easy but the puzzle pieces are there for a reason. He supplies all of our needs to make our walk in his will tolerable through tough times. Trust me there are times I question it. But the answer keeps coming back to him. His will has us taking one step at a time, why? Example when driving a car at night you can only see as far as the headlights let you see. Same thing with GOD, can you imagine knowing everything you’ll have to endure to reach the promised land? We may bail out too early if we knew all the good or bad obstacles. When we don’t follow his will it leads us to disobedience, it hardens our hearts. It allows us to be side tracked, we turn off our hearing and stop listening to him. It dulls our conscious. Working through Celebrate Recovery and being devoted to my church it allows me to deny doubt. Doubt grows easily. Life is hard enough without having doubt in our faith. When we rely on listening to doubt, it steps us out of his will, we now start the blame game. Not today……GOD is with us 24/7 so why doubt his will? If he is in our lives 24/7 why fight it? Use the energy that you would fight to propel yourself to the next level. My take-a-way today is don’t let someone say “If I were you”, GOD’s plan for you is not the same plan he has for them who says that. Your bills are paid by you, you sleep with your loved one at night, you kiss your kid on the forehead and tuck them in at night. The responsibility for you lies in your hands with GOD’s will. Don’t let decisions made for you be made by your will and by others. GOD will is today’s answer, tomorrow’s answer and was yesterday’s answer. So you make a mistake today? GOD still loves you. Ask for forgiveness from GOD and ask for guidance. He always listens and loves us. My pastor would be proud I take in what he preaches. Now can I walk the walk?

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